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my dad and step mom made this snowman for us for Christmas!
 How was your weekend?   I'd like to say that I achieved so much BUT I didn't.  I finished a book and started another one on my Kindle.  I'm now on the last Gamache book (A Better Man).  I could spend every single glorious day knee deep in Louise Penny's novels. 

I didn't really read much of the Grant biography.

I did spend hours and hours researching and on-line shopping for a new rosary from my husband.  He said to me 'don't you have a hundred of those?'.  Um, no, I do not.  I have three rosaries.  My first one is from my Holy Communion, my second one is from my Confirmation and my last one is a spectacular glow in the dark rosary I purchased while in a church in NYC. 

This isn't even buying one rosary per decade that I am alive!  I narrowed down my choices to four and he picked THE one.  I'm excited for Christmas now.

four deer in the safety zone
 I mistakenly bought the wrong Moleskine notebook from Barnes and Noble (online) so we went to a real store and I returned and purchased the right one.  I wish Moleskine would make their notebooks a bit more easier to tell apart.  I go by number of pages and the color of the wrapper (and still made a mistake).

On Saturday we picked up a pizza from a different shop.  I prefer our regular pizza store where everyone knows your name and the pizza is delicious. 

Miss Holly and her tree
The above photo was yesterday morning, Miss Holly snuck out while Frodo was sleeping under the ottoman so she could sleep near her tree.  She has been so happy these days.  She purrs quite loudly in the mornings.

While out and about with my husband yesterday, he wanted to go into Guitar Center (yawn).  I made a rookie mistake.  I didn't bring my Kindle nor any knitting project.  So my time in the guitar store was forever.  I was nice and kept my comments to myself because whenever we are in a yarn store, he is ever so patient!  I, however, am an antsy 3 year old.

My sweater is past the armholes and is now gloriously in a sea of boring stockinette.  I can now read and knit at the same time.

What did you do this weekend?

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