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Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying this Thanksgiving Day 2020.  I started out the day with this beautiful sight out my front window........

It cleared off fast and it's a lovely day here in the Ozarks.  I got busy making salsa to put on my Cheesy Eggs that is a wonderful recipe I got from Mama Pea....yum...............

After brunch I went on to make pumpkin pie..........

I decided against the turkey for today as I have one more meal of stuffed squash and Waldorf salad to finish so I'll make the turkey tomorrow along with the sides.  

  I worked on my Coming to America cross stitch............

I browsed the web looking for a Christmas quilt to make or a pattern using my Christmas fabrics...........here are a few I liked............just something small and simple...........

I was inspired by the latest podcast by Celeste Creates..........she had some darling Christmas quilts that were so inspiring!  I say every year that I am going to make a Christmas quilt of some sort but so far I haven't.  Maybe this year will be different.

I also searched on You Tube and found Thanksgiving music and movies!  They even had the 2020 Thanksgiving Day parade to watch.  It's virtual for everyone this year.

I'll leave you with a little humor........

 Happy Trails!!!

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