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Haircuts Hairstyles

Is Haircutting Difficult? Why & How Should You Cut Off Perfectly Good Hair? Hair usually grows at a rate of maximum 2cm per month, on the head- unless you are bold. In the past, cave people did not cut their hair. They lacked the tools and the reason to do so. After all, hair and body hair is warming and comforting - unless you have lice crawling in it! Long messy and wild hair can be not only used as a comfortable cushion, but also serves as an excellent method of hiding large sections of an ugly face!

Long hair needs much care and maintenance to keep it tangle free. Since they had no combs, shampoos nor hair-conditioners back then, you can well imagine what an itchy mess their head of hair was. At some point the early man realized it would be far more useful to get rid of the hair, and avoid getting stuck in the bush, while chasing after his pray or woman.  

You see, long hair, although beautiful, can be perilous for a man when he's engaged in a fight or combat, as his enemy can grab him by the hair.

It is also a highly dangerous practice for young girls to have long hair if they ride a bicycle (Therefore, in some caring countries girls are forbidden to ride bikes), or if they go to a school where they might get their hair pulled. We see the reason-ability of some religious demands for cutting off the hair of married women, or of covering up the hair and thus keeping its bearer free of grievous bodily harm.

Adult women who engage in spaghetti-bath combat, a practice rumored to occur in Northern Australian outback, usually prefer to have very short hairstyles or wear a wig. 
Nonetheless, long hair is very useful for conservative and worried parents of teen-aged girls, who wish to make sure their child does not sneak out at nights to meet a secret boyfriend; They can simply knot their child to the bedpost using her own hair.

Until our forefathers had figured out how to cut hair, they had to braid, weave or dread-lock (messy knotted hair) their hair. Observing our contemporary siblings with their modern dreadlocks, one immediately connects with an overpowering compulsory desire to quickly learn how to cut hair.

The first known haircutting practices were home-haircutting. Since we have no eye-witness accounts of the methods used to cut hair back then, we must use our good reason and rich imagination; Most probably the early man tried haircutting using a sharpened stone as the tool of choice, hacking at the hair. This must've been the early prototype of the infamous guillotine.

In less technically advanced societies they probably resorted to letting nature handle the hair, by outsourcing the job to wild rats, who chewed some hair off while the hair-afflicted individual unsuspectingly slept on the ground... Or perhaps they had engaged in hair-removal parties also known as hair-pulling (i.e., "unsolicited haircutting") fights - a nasty habit we haven't given up upon!

What a relief it must have been to have had the scissors invented!

Home Haircutting, as you see, goes back far and is very varied in technique. Eventually, more humane and painless ways were discovered to cut hair off.

People, like the unlucky inventor Jacob L Kleinman, innovated electric razors and shavers. The invention of hair-cutters/ shavers enabled men to have short cropped haircuts safely and easily. This also signaled the end of the era of long hairdos (and the wasting of good flour) for men. The 20th century dawned on short male haircuts and hairstyles, until the 60's, when happy Hippie days came along and brought back long hairstyles to men.
Women and Haircutting

Women also have a long haircutting history worth mentioning. In short. 
Fashion has always dictated to women how their hair should look and they cut the hair accordingly. Women seem to think that obeying fashion-makers' demands, even if it makes you look terrible, is the best way to look attractive and catch a husband.

It is only in recent decades that women have experienced haircutting freedom. Nowadays any haircut hairstyle goes: Short haircuts, medium haircuts, long haircuts and bobs. Some celebrity females experience great stress these days, as the lack of one precise haircut hairstyle is their ruin; driven half mad with daily hair-styling innovation-demanding expectations, this hairstyle freedom soon turns into a hell-hag desire for cutting off all that lovely hair and opting for the bold look. Avoid this sad hairy fate by remaining a happy common nobody and by knowing in advance what hairstyle suits you before you do any haircutting or styling you'll regret.

Bold hairstyle undoubtedly has its benefits - no time wasted, saves you money and it's a lice free certificate. Early Egyptians were wig-wearing baldies. In hot climates and temperaments it is easier to cool off your hot head when you're bald. It is also a great way for any real loyal wife to show her total identification with her husband, as the years pass his hair away.

Who is to Blame? Women are those who usually cut their kids' and their husbands' hair off - if they have no money (you see, it's their husband's fault) or access to a hairdresser. This is a high risk undertaking, known to cause wide-spread misery in the population and multitude of hair-trauma incidents. Hair trauma is not necessarily negative, as it provides jobs for mental-counselors and AdSense income for webmasters, however, if left untreated, it breeds further hair-trauma practices down the generations.

Women who wish to be loved and admired by their family and friends would be advised to seek professional help in the form of a haircutting eBook. It is also a great gift of love and peace!

Eileen Kleinman - Co-author of " Haircutting Secrets Revealed", the Premier eBook course on Professional Home Haircutting. 
Here are a few mini-versions of haircutting eBooks for short, medium or long hair, Meg Ryan and bangs/fringe haircutting. 
Get the FREE Haircutting eCourse chapter sample from our eBook
EK loves helping people all over the world to look great, save money on haircuts, avoid haircutting disasters and even earn money from home cutting hair. 
Eileen is a writer, webmaster, Photoshop specialist, e-marketer, innovator & brainstormer and EFT enthusiast. 
Formerly a photo-journalist and camera-woman in war zones, she is now a devoted work-from-home mom.

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