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The Amazingly Talented Patricia Casillas ...

I want to introduce the work of the amazingly talented Patricia Casillas. My brother-in-law Ed introduced me to her work a few days ago and I was so impressed at her talent. More amazing is that she is self-taught and has only done this as a hobby. She is eager to test the waters of animation or any other arts industry where she can expand her skills. She doesn't have a blog or website just yet, but definitely wanted to show her works and share it with my brethren. Tell me what you think. I feel she's got the skills to be a great illustrator or visual development artist. Any and all comments will be most appreciated. You can either comment here or at email her at calimanincreible@aol.com. Also, anyone wanting to know more about her work or availability, definitely let her know, she'll definitely appreciate it. I truly look forward to seeing more of her work.

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