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In the books

Gint-A-Cuffs VI is in the books.  After careful study of the entries I'm declaring Design On Deck the winner with 207.6 points.

Thanks to Topps I'll be sending a fresh hobby box to DOD.

"What? All those bribes that came in.  And that Canadian posted 217 points.  Recount.  Recount.  Recount."

Let me address those issues.

Bribes are a touchy issues.  Gint-A-Cuffs has always been run as a transparent enterprise and the participants were warned that bribes might not help their final scores.  In order to be fair I negated all bribe bonuses that were brewing in my head.  Don't worry bribers, I'll try to take care of you, card wise, outside of the Gint-A-Cuffs ring.

That Canadian?  Yes, it was an impressive score, but it was submitted too late.  Sorry.

Recounts?  Nope.  Not doing them.

Thanks to all the participants.  We had the highest percentage of returns this year.

So, DOD, please contact me for a shipping address.  mark dot aubrey at gmail dot com

See you next year.  Maybe.

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