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Paris conference to support withdrawal of foreign troops from Libya: Egyptian President

 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has called on the Paris Conference on Libya to take a clear and unambiguous position in support of the withdrawal of any foreign military presence from Libya.

According to Arab News, President Al-Sisi has once again expressed his willingness to help Egypt in uniting the Libyan state institutions and enabling the Libyan people to determine their own future.The Egyptian president has warned Libya's internal and external parties to refrain from trying to undermine progress towards their goals for Libya.

Al-Sisi called on the Libyan people to move beyond differences and focus on their country's solution to building an independent Libya, and to stick to that commitment.

He further added that if the Libyan people have any need to support their security, sovereignty and their ambitions, then Egypt will be by their side.

He also called for a fair distribution of wealth in order to achieve positive and optimal development in all parts of Libya.

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