Good Morning dear friends..
I just wanted to explain what happened to my blog site ..
When I went to the Blessed Hearth this morning all was well..
I read your lovely comments and then went to my email..
Later on I clicked onto my site so I could read my blog list and my Google Chrome stated that my site was infected and to go back..
Needless to say...
I panicked...
When I went to Explore Net it came on fine and nothing happened to my computer but with Chrome it said it was infected..
After much searching on the Blogger Help which was no help I emailed my dear cousin in Montreal and she sent me a link which really showed me what to do..
I was not infected really but a link to my site must have been..
So ...
I had to delete my blog list.. (sorry) and my music widget..(sorry)
Those were the two things which came up in red..
Before all of this I had gone and deleted my last post, my spam comments and other links but that did not help..
When I deleted the ones that were in red then my site is OK again..
Thank you, Lord and whoever it was that created the site to help.. And my sweet cousin Sara..
Has this ever happened to you?
What did you do?
Does anyone know if I can put a new blog list on again
or my music widget which we Canadians can not hear anyway?
Are you bloggers on Google Chrome?
Thanks so much in advance for your help..
As I deleted last night's post I have included a few pics of our Valentine's Dinner and my gift from my hubby which was the many hours of cleaning of an old set of copper pots and making S-hooks so I could hang them..
Thank you, too to those who commented on the post which I deleted..
I did read them and appreciated them even though I ended up deleting .. So sorry..
I did not need to do that but you know me and panic.. grin..
I did include the recipe for the delicious soup, too..
I found this recipe in 2001 when I was giving cooking classes and just got around to making it last night.. smile..
Ham baked in cider and cloves, herbed potatoes and sweet carrots..
My make over from the previous post..
Old marmalade jar utensil holder...
And I wanted to mention to who ever wrote the comment about my kitchen last night that it does look yellow here but actually it is cream with creamy mustard counter tops.. smile..
These are the true colors of the walls..
You know me and my love of prim colors..
Thank you, thank you... for dropping by..
I hope this is all resolved and I will try to figure out the way to get my blog list back on here..
Remember, I am not a spring chicken and this computer stuff is a bit complicated for me.. smile..
Take care, dear hearts..
I was so pleased to be featured at
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