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Friday Fun - September 19, 2014

Hooray for Friday!


1.  My camera is home!!! - Of course I had to test out a sky shot to see if they had cleared up the "spots" I was getting whenever I took photo's of the sky.

No spots but this was a rather neat looking night sky shot.  I like the wispy look of the clouds and the dark smoky cloud.

2.  Signs of Autumn are showing up now.  You see those trees in the middle of the above photo.  Here is a view of them during the day.

I love fall and all the colors of the trees as they change seasons.  I can't wait to get out and capture more of their beauty.

3.  You know I just can't pass up a chance to share a "cat" photo with you.
This morning (Ghost) was out and about and decided to climb my mom's lilac tree.  I snapped this quick shot of him before he jumped back down.

4.  It's fun to find something unexpected to take photos of like this lovely Morning Glory that I happened upon this morning while taking a little photo walk after dropping Coleen off at school.

Of course when I saw it I was immediately reminded of Debbie (It's All About Purple)  since we all know what her favorite color is.

5. A friend sent me a link this week with BW pictures that have been colorized.  I found it really fascinating to see how different history looks in color.  You can check it out HERE:  One of my favorites was the one of Joan Crawford - It's #18 in the list.

Just for fun here is a BW photo that I took recently. 

Now let's join Hilary (Feeling Beachie) for FOLLOW FRIDAY FOR FILL-IN FUN.
The statements:
  1. I am ____
  2. I don’t like to ___ alone
  3. Would you_____ if you could?
  4. Cooking with____is something to be _____

My answers: 1. I am tired already today.  Hubby wasn't feeling well (bad cold) so he sort of kept me up coughing and such during the night.

2.  I don't like to watch scary movies alone.  I watched Fatal Attraction by myself once and vowed never again to watch a suspense or scary movie alone again. 

3.  Would you like to be younger again if you could?  I don't know as if I want to be younger again but perhaps older with less signs of aging.  Like "arthritis".

4.  Cooking with strange ingredients is something to be avoided.  I like to try new stuff but sometimes it doesn't always work out.  Once I tried Chorizo in a recipe and I thought it was horrible (really greasy) and another time I tried Okra and it looked so slimy that I couldn't even taste it and threw the stuff out.

Finally I'd like to join Adrienne (My Memory Art) For SIX WORD FRIDAYS where the theme this week was Fall.

                               Autumn Burns It's Lovely Golden Tones

                                   Etching Memories on my Heart;

                                     I  fall in love all over again.

                                            by Ida P. Krause ©

So that's it for this week.  It always takes me forever to get my Friday posts ready.  I actually wanted to write a poem for 6 Word Friday today.  I hope you liked what I came up with.

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