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Databases of some horror and fantasy literary awards, and some related sources of background information


And while awards can be problematic at the best of times...

Along with the 
there are, or have been: 

The International Fantasy Awards (given to fantasy, sf and horror, and related nonfiction for several years in the 1950s)

Balrog Award --fantasy, horror and a bit of sf

The World Fantasy Award--fantasy and horror

The Horror Writers Association's Bram Stoker Award for horror (and a bit of suspense fiction from time to time)

The British Fantasy Award--fantasy and horror

The LOCUS Awards, given by polls in LOCUS magazine, for sf, fantasy and horror

The Hugo Award, from the Worldcon, originally the SF Achievement Awards, have been given on occasion to fantasy and horror fiction, most notably in early years to Robert Bloch's "That Hell-Bound Train" and Fritz Leiber's "Gonna Roll the Bones"

The Retro Hugos have also been awarded to notable horror work, such as Leiber's Conjure Wife (and a few of the films which have won)

Likewise, the SFWA Nebula Awards have been awarded to inarguable fantasy with horror overtones at least as early on as Fritz Leiber's "Gonna Roll the Bones" (1968) and "Ill Met in Lankhmar" (1971). The former Science Fiction Writers of America has for some years been the SF and Fantasy Writers of America.

Splatterpunk Award (for "extreme"/graphic horror and suspense fiction)

Mythopoeic Awards--primarily for epic and mythic fantasy, particularly that in the tradition of the Inklings, but since Charles Williams even more than Tolkien or C. S. Lewis could lean into the darker sorts of fantasy, some crossover interest applies

The Ann Radcliffe Awards--given by the Count Dracula Society, to literature as well as a/v work, which became the film/tv-oriented Saturn Awards after the organization changed names as well. 
Fritz Leiber received a latter-day award in 1974, I believe, for his Conjure Wife (1943), and Ray Bradbury and A. E. van Vogt also won. 
https://insroland.org/2009/07/07/countdrac/ (an article by puppeteer/animator Bob Clampett's son, Robert Clampett)

The Otherwise Award, formerly the Tiptree Award, for sf and fantasy dealing with concepts of gender:

The Lambda Awards, for LGBTQ+ fantastic and other fiction:


A quick take on some of the best of the year annuals in short horror fiction (two, at least, continue, Ellen Datlow's and Stephen Jones's, and they both feature excellent reportage in each volume on the past year in literary and other narrative horror) and the quartet of novels I recommend to those wanting to get a sense of the range of horror and suspense fiction. (The comments on the post are useful, as well.)

THE YEAR'S BEST HORROR STORIES annual, edited by Richard Davis, Gerald W. Page and Karl Edward Wagner, from DAW Books, Sphere Books and Orbit Books, 1971-1994

A complete index of the first best of the year annual devoted to short horror fiction, which had a good long run in the US edition, and several volumes in the UK. 

My Hallowe'en and beyond: Early Key Horror Anthologies (for me)

How I came to love horror fiction and the adjoining fields...good to brilliant anthologies, among other work!

 Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror (Scribner's/Gale) is a useful 2-volume survey, published as the 2nd Edition in 2002, and featuring essentially all new content distinct from the first edition; the second is edited by Richard Bleiler, the first (1985) by his father Everett Bleiler, both librarians and otherwise deeply engaged in the fields of supernatural literature. (I wrote the survey essay on Joyce Carol Oates and, peripherally and too briefly, Kate Wilhelm, in the newer edition; I believe E. Bleiler wrote the Oates essay in the first.) Used copies online are going for reasonable prices, if your library doesn't have one. New copies still a bit dear. And a number of the folks below have written little horror so much as other kinds of fantasy, but most have done notable work in horror among other forms (essay subjects first, essay authors follow): 

Volume 1 Introductionp. xi
List of Contributorsp. xvii
Peter Ackroyd Paul Kincaidp. 1
Robert Aickman John Clutep. 9
Joan Aiken John Clutep. 21
Poul Anderson Ed McKnightp. 33
Piers Anthony Solomon Davidoffp. 45
Paul Auster Paul Kincaidp. 53
Clive Barker K. A. Laityp. 61
Peter Beagle Darrell Schweitzerp. 71
Michael Bishop Paul Di Filippop. 79
James P. Blaylock Mark Wingenfeldp. 89
Robert Bloch Stefan Dziemianowiczp. 99
Ray Bradbury Willis McNellyp. 115
Scott Bradfield Claude Lalumierep. 123
Marion Zimmer Bradley Paula Johansonp. 129
Poppy Z. Brite Brian Stablefordp. 147
Terry Brooks Nick Andreychukp. 153
Steven Brust Patricia Broganp. 161
Pat Cadigan Don Riggsp. 169
Ramsey Campbell K. A. Laityp. 177
Orson Scott Card Gary Westfahlp. 189
Jonathan Carroll Brian Stablefordp. 201
Angela Carter Gina Wiskerp. 209
Nancy Collins Monica J. O'Rourkep. 221
Storm Constantine Christopher Treagusp. 227
Glen Cook Gary Westfahlp. 233
Susan Cooper  Elizabeth Handp. 239
John Crowley Elizabeth Handp. 245
Avram Davidson Henry Wessellsp. 253
Charles de Lint Christine Mainsp. 267
Samuel R. Delany Brian Stablefordp. 277
Paul di Filippo Claude Lalumierep. 285
Thomas M. Disch Darrell Schweitzerp. 293
Stephen R. Donaldson Walter E. Meyersp. 299
Tananarive Due Mary Anne Mohanrajp. 309
Dave Duncan Martin Morse Woosterp. 315
David Eddings John D. Teehanp. 323
Harlan Ellison Gary K. Wolfep. 331
Steve Erickson Paul Kincaidp. 341
Dennis Etchison Fiona Kelleghanp. 347
Raymond Elias Feist Scott D. Vander Ploegp. 355
Esther M. Friesner Gary Westfahlp. 361
Neil Gaiman Gary K. Wolfep. 369
Alan Garner Brian Atteberyp. 377
Ray Garton Michael T. Huyck, Jr.p. 385
Charles L. Grant  T. Liam McDonaldp. 391
Alasdair Gray Jeff VanderMeerp. 403
Elizabeth Hand Cherie Weinp. 413
M. John Harrison Elizabeth Handp. 419
Mark Helprin Maureen Spellerp. 427
Russell Hoban Brian Stablefordp. 435
Robert Holdstock David Langfordp. 445
Tom Holt Ian Nicholsp. 455
Barry Hughart Jeff VanderMeerp. 461
Rhys Henry Hughes E. F. Bleilerp. 467
Robert Irwin Brian Stablefordp. 473
Shirley Jackson Jack Sullivanp. 479
Diana Wynne Jones Helen H. Thompsonp. 485
Robert Jordan Neal Bakerp. 493
Graham Joyce Brian Stablefordp. 503
Volume 2 
Guy Gavriel Kay Christine Mains
p. 509
Jack Ketchum Fiona Kelleghanp. 517
Stephen King Richard Bleilerp. 525
Kathe Koja Steffen Hantkep. 541
Dean Koontz Greg Beattyp. 551
William Kotzwinkle Bud Websterp. 561
Nancy Kress Maureen Spellerp. 569
Katherine Kurtz Kelly A. O'Connor-Salomonp. 575
Mercedes Lackey Justin Gustainisp. 585
R. A. Lafferty Chris Morganp. 593
Joe R. Lansdale Stefan Dziemianowiczp. 603
Ursula K. Le Guin Elizabeth Cumminsp. 613
Tanith Lee Jessica Reismanp. 633
Fritz Leiber Brian Stablefordp. 643
Thomas Ligotti Darrell Schweitzerp. 653
Bentley Little Keith Neilsonp. 659
George R. R. Martin E. C. McMullen Jr.p. 667
Richard Matheson Keith Neilsonp. 673
William Mayne John Clutep. 685
Anne McCaffrey David Langfordp. 693
Robert McCammon Richard Bleiler and Hunter Goatleyp. 705
Ian McEwan Jack Slay, Jr.p. 715
Patrick McGrath Jay McRoyp. 723
Patricia A. McKillip Jessica Reismanp. 729
Michael Moorcock Rhys Hughesp. 737
James Morrow Brian Stablefordp. 749
Kim Newman Claude Lalumierep. 757
Andre Norton Charlene Brussop. 767
Joyce Carol Oates (and, briefly, Kate Wilhelm) Todd Masonp. 775
Tim Powers Ian Nicholsp. 785
Terry Pratchett David Langfordp. 791
Katherine Ptacek Richard Bleilerp. 803
Philip Pullman Andrew Butlerp. 809
Anne Rice Christopher Treagusp. 817
J. K. Rowling Brian Stablefordp. 825
David J. Schow Darrell Schweitzerp. 833
Michael Shea Brian Stablefordp. 839
Lucius Shepard Graham Sleightp. 845
John Shirley Jeff Prickmanp. 855
Robert Silverberg Arthur Hlavatyp. 863
Dan Simmons  Greg Beattyp. 875
S. P. Somtow Gary Westfahlp. 883
Brian Stableford David Langfordp. 891
Peter Straub John Clutep. 903
Thomas Burnett Swann John Clutep. 915
Lisa Tuttle Janice M. Bogstadp. 923
Sydney J. Van Scyoc Janice M. Bogstadp. 929
Jack Vance Thomas Marcinkop. 935
Jeff VanderMeer Ian Nicholsp. 945
Howard Waldrop  John Clutep. 951
Nancy Willard  Brian Stablefordp. 959
Chet Williamson T. Liam McDonaldp. 967
F. Paul Wilson Justin Gustainisp. 973
Gene Wolfe Robert Borskip. 981
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Janice M. Bogstadp. 993
Jane Yolen Gary K. Wolfep. 1003
Roger Zelazny Jane Lindskoldp. 1011
Indexp. 1025

Further suggestions to follow! Reading LOCUS, MYSTERY SCENE, such online magazines as NIGHTMARE and SUBTERRANEAN, and other news sources/surveys of the field will also help...my weekly roundup of reviews and other texts always has some strong horror-related content.

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