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30 Rock, Futurama

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

11:00 30 Rock
11:30 Futurama

30 Rock. Season 2, Episode 7. One of the best elements of 30 Rock (and one of my favourites) is the friendship between Liz (the geek) and Jack (the sophisticate). Jack's genuine interest in, and liking for, Liz is one of the show's strengths. He sometimes acts like a mentor to her. Pushing her gently (and sometimes not so gently) in the direction of life's best offerings. And some of the shows best moments come (a) from their conversations, and (b) from their unexpected social meetings, when Jack bumps into Liz away from work.

"Courgars" is one of the shows funniest episodes, and both storylines are generated/sustained (to some degree) by Jack's mentoring personality. Liz dates a much younger man, and Tracy coaches a little league team. Jack encourages Liz to pursue her romance (as part of his long-term plan to overhall her, I suppose) and he totally takes over the running of the little league team from Tracy (in a nicely done political allegory). There are many, many laugh out loud moments.

Futurama. Season 2, Episode 9. A very funny episode with focus firmly on the core trio of the show: Leela (who falls in love with a jerk), Fry (who gets thrown in prison for trying to point this out to her) and Bender (who steals a lot of stuff while this is going on. And I mean a lot of stuff.). There's a also a nice shoutout to Married With Children, with Leela drawn to look like Peggy for much of the story.

Highlight? 30 Rock.

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