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'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Spoiler Discussion Review

I've waited to write this post to give people time to go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I felt like in my non-spoiler review I was really restricted to what could discuss thus I decided to do a spoiler discussion review as a little bonus content to my non spoiler review. If you haven't seen the film head on over and read my non spoiler review Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. So be forewarned this post will be filled with spoilers. So from this point onward there will be huge spoilers ahead as I discuss the huge spoiler heavy moments in the film. 

*******There will be Spoilers from this point on*******

If you're still reading along, then you will have most likely seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens. My first point of discussion will be Kylo Ren. We learn he is the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa. I wasn't too blown away to learn he was their son because I really suspected that he would be a Skywalker, given his obsession with Vader and the fact he's a force user. I thought that his parentage really added to his character filling it with layers and made him a very compelling villain.

Now the second huge spoiler point, the death of Han Solo. Many will complain that Han Solo died but I accepted it because it services the story and the character of Kylo Ren. When this scene took place and Han decided to speak with his son and try to convince him  to go back to the light side I was at the edge of my seat but must admit the death was slightly predictable. When Han screamed "Ben!" at Kylo Ren it clicked in my head instantly that Kylo Ren was named after Obi Wan Kenobi and his real name is Ben Solo. I found this to be somewhat ironic that he was named after one of the most powerful and lightest of the Jedi and fell to darkness. I also liked that Han's death somewhat mirrored Obi Wan's in Star Wars and I loved how Chewbacca reacted shooting Kylo Ren immediately and then blowing the charges he and Han had laid. I thought for a few minutes that Chewbacca had just sacrificed himself and that both he and Han died in the film and was shocked. I was very relieved to see that Chewie survived though.

My third point will be the character of Rey and some of the misdirection in the film's marketing. Now it turns out Rey is the force sensitive character for this new trilogy and will be a Jedi and not Finn, as the marketing lead many to believe since he wielded Anakin/Luke's lightsaber. I thought this was a brilliant move and liked that the marketing allowed this  reveal to be saved for the film. I liked how she felt drawn to Anakin's saber, and when she touches its a series of flashbacks/flash forwards are shown filled with plenty to discuss.

Based on these it seems to show Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren murdering the Jedi, Luke possibly putting R2D2 into low power mode, and Rey being dropped off on Jakku. There are also several voiceovers including one from Alec Guinness saying "Rey" and Ewan Mc Gregor saying "These are your first steps." so it included both actors who had portrayed Obi Wan in an interesting way. This was the beginning of her journey into the force and I liked seeing her explore that power.

I thought it was hilarious when she used a Jedi mind trick on a Stormtrooper the way it was handled for the film and thought she was an awesome character.

The moment during the lightsaber duel when she pulls the saber to herself with the force was incredible. I got chills when it flew past Kylo Ren when Kylo Ren is trying to bring the saber to himself with the force and Rey grips the saber ready to take him on. And then the saber fight ensues which was one of my favorite moments of the film and one of my favorite lightsaber duels of the entire saga. I will discuss her further in my next and final point.

Now, Luke. I couldn't really talk about Luke at all in my non-spoiler review. So the reason Luke was absent from the film's marketing is that he is almost completely absent from the film. The film's opening crawl reveals that Luke has vanished and we learn throughout the reasoning behind to an extent. Luke after Return Of The Jedi tried to train a new generation of Jedi but Ben Solo turned against him after he was seduced to the dark side and became Kylo Ren.

As far as we know, Kylo Ren killed all of these new Jedi and Luke felt responsible so he went into hiding supposedly in search of the first Jedi temple. Luke left a map to his location and a piece of the map functions as the Macguffin for the film.  This drove the whole plot throughout the film as everyone like the audience wants to find Luke. BB-8 is given a piece of the map by Poe Dameron in the beginning of the film and must get it to the Resistance where we learn it's only a piece and they need the remaining portion. R2D2 had gone into low power mode after Luke left, likely because he missed Luke, and he exits this mode towards the end and provides the remainder of the map. Rey, Chewie, and R2D2 then all head to the planet.

They arrive and Rey walks up several steps to find a hooded figure. The figure turns around and it is indeed Luke Skywalker, now bearded with a new robotic hand and wearing Jedi master garb. Rey holds out his lightsaber to him and the film ends. I thought this was a crazy cliffhanger ending for the film and can't wait to see Episode VIII.

Now I will be entering the speculation portion of my discussion as I share my theories for what could happen in this trilogy (not necessarily Episode VIII). So first off, I think Rey will be revealed to be Luke's daughter and the next film will show Luke training her similar to Yoda training Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. I think we will also see Kylo Ren being trained by Snoke and the two will likely have another confrontation with both more powerful. I can't wait to see it. I came out of the film and Kylo Ren and Rey are my two favorite of the new characters and I think it's interesting to think it's very likely they may be revealed to be cousins.

That will be the conclusion of my first spoiler discussion for a film and I may continue this for any other films that have huge spoilers that prevent me from discussing too much in my regular review. I made sure to touch on the biggest spoiler parts of the film and the ones I had something to share my thoughts on. Once again this is a great film and I loved it. I watched in IMAX on Monday for a second viewing and the IMAX is totally worth it. I can't wait to watch it again! 

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