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One lovely blog award

So recently we got an award from Alexandria from 'A style of no style' (http://alexandriajz.blogspot.com/). Thank you very much for the award, we are sooo glad that you picked us out for this award.

The rules are:
-thank and link the blogger who has given you the award.
-copy and paste the logo in your blog.
-share 7 things about yourself.
-nominate 15 other great bloggers.
-comment and let them know of the award.

So because we are sisters, we will write 7 things about us.

1.We have always loved posing in photographs!
2.We bought ourselves the same gift when we were in different countries!
3.We usually have different styles but sometimes we pick out the same clothes!
4.We share our bags, accessories  and sometimes our tops, sadly we can't share our shoes!
5.We both love H&M, Zara and Stradivarius!
6.We usually go together shopping.
7.We love travelling.

So the 15 blogs which we love and chose for this award are:

Hope you have a nice weekend! 

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