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How Your Beliefs Affect Your Reality?

Your mind is super powerful. In fact, it’s so powerful that it can pretty much determine your reality. Does this sound like the Matrix? Well, it’s not quite like that. But how does the idea of thinking your way to success sound to you? You can totally do that. In this article, we’re going to explore how your beliefs affect your reality.

When you really think about your life and the whole world around you, everything that has ever happened is just an event. They’re just incidents. But it’s the way we perceive these events that makes them good or bad.

It’s the same with failure and success. While some very shrewd people see failure and success as just results, others take them to heart. A failure becomes a total disaster that sends them spiralling into depression.

It’s all about perception. It’s all about your beliefs shaping your reality.

Here is another example: Let’s imagine that you’re a really negative person who always imagines the worst. You’re a natural born worrier. One night, your partner is home late. It’s way past the time he said he’d be home by, and yet there’s no sign of his return. Due to it being your natural inclination to worry, you fear that something bad has happened to him. Maybe he’s been ran over or beaten up by thugs.

Or, maybe he’s met another woman.

Now let’s picture the same scenario, but this time let’s imagine that you’re a really upbeat, positive person who always sees the good in things. Your partner is late, but you’re not worried. Instead, you’re picturing him enjoying himself with his buddies. He’s obviously lost track of time, and assumes you won’t begrudge him one or two more drinks. Tired, you make your way to bed, fully expecting him to be joining you at some point!

The same scenario seen through the lens of two belief systems. Can you see how your beliefs can affect your reality?

It’s actually kinda cool that our beliefs can affect our reality.

But it can also be kinda rubbish, too. Look at it this way: Imagine if you were a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist. You’re stuck in a job you hate, you’re still not married, and your debts are piling up. Life sounds pretty lousy, huh?

The thing is that this life could be a product of your beliefs. That sounds scary, right? And you might be asking, “But why would anyone want to imagine their way into such a rubbish life?”

Good question. The answer? Simply because most of us aren’t aware of how powerful our beliefs are! We sleepwalk into a dreary life we hate because we don’t realise that it’s our negative thinking that has got us here. Politics hasn’t got us here. The economy hasn’t got us here. Our upbringing hasn’t got us here. Our ex-boyfriend hasn’t got us here. Our negative beliefs have got us here. Once you realise this, you can then start to create a better reality for yourself.

It’s like when someone shy goes to a party. They haven’t got a lot of confidence, and they tell themselves beforehand that it’s going to go really badly.

“I’m never going to meet anyone tonight. I don’t know why I’m even going!”

They’ve already talked themselves into failing before they’ve even got to the party. What do you think the chances are of them meeting someone they like that night? Their chances are slim. Their beliefs have already decided how they will act at the party, and how much effort they’ll put in to meeting someone – which is very little.

It’s the same in any situation. If you don’t believe you were destined to live the dream life of a millionaire, you won’t live that dream life. People who have succeeded and risen to the top have done so because they had already created their reality before it had even happened.

A lot of the times, our beliefs are created by our past experiences and our environment. If we’ve failed before, we assume we’ll feel again. Moreover, if we’ve grown up surrounded by under-achievers who haven’t got very far in life, it’s likely that our beliefs will reflect that collective desire to settle for mediocrity. “This is all people like us get out of life.”

Sometimes, we also let other people create our beliefs about ourselves which then affect our reality. For example, if people have decided to put you into a particular box – perhaps you’re the shy one who is a bit of a pushover – it’s normal for you to accept those conclusions and live up to those expectations. These beliefs are defining your reality.

And once we’ve drawn and accepted conclusions about ourselves, it can be really hard to change them. We find evidence that strengthens our convictions about who we are, and we tend to ignore anything that contradicts them.

Let’s say that you’re down on your heels and convinced that you’re stuck in the same job forever. People tell you that you’re smarter than this and that you can land a better job in a better career. But you dismiss it all. And when they point out how well you did in college, you say it was pure luck and that other people helped you.

You’re looking for evidence and references to back up your beliefs.

“I tried to get a different job but got turned down,” you protest.

It’s the same when people can’t shift stubborn belly fat. They decide that they are saddled with this fat for the rest of their lives.

However, it’s most often our beliefs that are preventing us from achieving the results we want.  If you don’t believe you can get a better job in a better career, you won’t. If you don’t believe you can lose stubborn belly fat, you won’t.

Beliefs create realities. They define outcomes. Once you recognise this, you can start taking steps that will help you to change your outlook on life, and thus your destiny. It’s empowering. But only if you’re willing to believe it’s true!

Stay happy!

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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