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Joss Stone at the centre of a plot to be robbed and murdered

Joss Stone at the centre of a plot to be robbed and murdered 



 In what has to be the most disturbing celebrity news story in quite some time, two men are currently on trial for plotting to rob and murder Joss Stone.

Kevin Liverpool and Junior Bradshaw aroused the suspicion of Joss’ neighbours in Devon, who called 999 and alerted the police. The pair were found to have a note describing Joss as a “she-devil in the flesh”, as well as note that suggested they wanted to decapitate her and dump her body in a river. There were also mentions of Joss’ connections to the royal family.

The men were armed with items including a sword, a hammer, a knife, body bags and maps showing the location of Joss’ home.

Prosecutor Simon Morgan told Exeter crown court of the events in June 2011,

“The crown says that with this arsenal of weapons, it is obvious they were intent upon serious violence. The intended target was Joss Stone. They had decided upon this action some time before and this was the time to put it into effect.

“The items in their possession, the trips to the area, the fact that the intended victim was at home, the notes and maps all point to a determined effort on the part of the defendants to carry out the plan they had hatched some time before.”

Both Liverpool and Bradshaw deny conspiring to murder Joss and plead not guilty to conspiring to cause grievous bodily harm or of conspiring to rob Joss. The trial contines. 




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